Example with multiple nodes and conditions
This is an example of a widget with multiple nodes and that uses all components. The Rich Media object with multiple pages prompts users for their name and account number, and then it sends the data to the agent.
"widgetType": "standard",
"widgetView": "inline",
"widgetAction": "optional",
"showMessageText": true,
"displayInRestore": true,
"initialView": "view1",
"pagination": {
"background": "#007bff",
"style": "extend"
"nodes": [{
"id": "view1",
"controls": {
"0": {
"type": "Input",
"id": "input1",
"label": "Enter your full name",
"placeholder": "Firstname Lastname",
"validation": {
"required": {
"value": true,
"error": "Please enter a name."
"event": {
"name": "eventinputchange"
"1": {
"type": "Button",
"id": "button1",
"text": "Next",
"event": {
"name": "onsubmit1"
"enabled": {
"trigger": "eventinputchange",
"guard": "(!(isEmpty(#view1.input1.text)))"
"context": {
"widgetContainerBackgroundColor": "#e0e0e0"
}, {
"id": "view2",
"controls": {
"0": {
"type": "Input",
"id": "input1",
"label": "Enter your account number",
"placeholder": "XX-XXXXXX",
"event": {
"name": "eventinputchange
" 1 ": [{
" type ": " Button ",
" id ": " button2 ",
" text ": " Back ",
" event ": {
" name ": " onback1 "
" type ": " Button ",
" id ": " button3 ",
" text ": " Submit ",
" event ": {
" name ": " onsubmit2 "
" enabled ": {
" trigger ": " eventinputchange ",
" guard ": "(!(isEmpty( # view2.input1.text)))"
" context ": {
" widgetContainerBackgroundColor ": " # e0e0e0 "
" transitions ": [{
" name ": " Transition1 ",
" from ": " view1 ",
" trigger ": " onsubmit1 ",
" to ": " view2 "
" name ": " Transition2 ",
" from ": " view2 ",
" trigger ": " onback1 ",
" to ": " view1 "
" name ": " Transition3 ",
" from ": " view2 ",
" trigger ": " onsubmit2 ",
" to ": {
" sendMessage ": {
" displayText ": " Information Submitted ",
" name ": " # view1.input1.text ",
" account ": " # view2.input1.text "
] }
This rich-media object is displayed as follows: