Send rich media in Agent Desktop

To add rich media in Agent Desktop, you first create a JSON, and then add it in Nuance Portal, in the Script Management page.

  1. Create a JSONClosed A transfer path showing the agent group from to the agent to. with the following values:

    Value Description
    LABEL Object title. Displayed to the agent in the script view. Not visible to the customer.
    DESCRIPTION Displayed under the title, in a smaller font and it can contain more detail. Not visible to the customer.
    AGENT_MESSAGE_TEXT Message text sent by the agent to the customer when this widget is sent. It may be visible to the customer, depending on the settings defined in the widget.
    THUMBNAIL Image preview shown in script view in Agent Desktop.
    RICH_MEDIA_OBJECT Rich-media JSON created using this documentation.

    The JSON must have the following format:

        "type": "interactive",
        "agentDisplayDescription": "DESCRIPTION",
        "agentMessage": "AGENT_MESSAGE_TEXT",
        "richWidget": { 
            RICH_MEDIA_OBJECT plus these additional key/values at the root level:
    "widgetThumbnail": "THUMBNAIL",
    "widgetLabel": "LABEL"
  2. To open the Script Management page, navigate to Administration > Engagement Experience > Script Management.

  3. To add rich media to your script, do one of the following:

    • Click New Script Group to create a new script group.

    • Double-click a row in the table to edit an existing script group.

    The Manage Script Group dialog box opens.

  4. To create a new entry of "Text" type:

    1. Click New to add a New Script line to the dialog box.

    2. On the right side of the New Script line, click the arrow and select Text from the drop-down list.

  1. Double-click New Script, and replace those words with the JSONClosed A transfer path showing the agent group from to the agent to., you created in step 1.

The dialog box now displays the JSON, similar to the following:

  1. To save your changes, click OK and then Save.

Now that this script is saved in Nuance Portal, it is displayed in the Agent Desktop Scripts window, and available for selection by the agent. The blue numbers in the following screen capture correspond to the values in the JSON, in the following table:

Screen capture reference Value Description
1 LABEL Object title. Displayed to the agent in the script view. Not visible to the customer.
2 DESCRIPTION Displayed under the title, in a smaller font and it can contain more detail. Not visible to the customer.
3 AGENT_MESSAGE_TEXT Message text sent by the agent to the customer when this widget is sent. It may be visible to the customer, depending on the settings defined in the widget.
4 THUMBNAIL Image preview shown in script view in Agent Desktop.

Selecting the item will send it to the customer, as shown in the agent transcript:

The following screen capture shows how the item is displayed in the customer’s chat window: