
Dispositions enable you to record the outcome of an engagement for reporting purposes. They are configured for each project, and each Agent Group(s) may have their unique Dispositions list menu, if necessary.

When configured, agents are required to disposition each engagement before the conversation can be properly closed.

Note: Dispositions are important for customers and program managers as they can keep accurate records of the types of engagements that are being received. This also assists with searching for transcripts based on the outcome of the engagement.

If the agent chooses to disposition the engagement during the conversation and clicks X to close the engagement, the Dispositions window displays the selections for the agent to Submit.

Viewing Dispositions

Dispositioning an engagement can occur at the end or during a conversation.

Dispositions are categorized, and users can search for them or select from a displayed list. Clicking on a category displays the disposition reasons within that category. If necessary, the agent may add notes by clicking the Add Notes section. You can view these notes in the Dispositions report.

Single and Multiple Dispositions

You can configure Dispositions to enable single or multiple selection.

Single disposition selection

Multiple disposition selection

Tip: See the Nuance Digital Program Manager for Dispositions update and optimization.

Conversation-Level Dispositions

By using the Conversation-Level Dispositions, users can minimize the time spent selecting dispositions for each engagement, thereby reducing the overall average handle time.

Users can select a disposition only for the first engagement. These selected dispositions are automatically saved and carried over to future engagements. In the Dispositions window for each engagement, the saved dispositions pre-populate, enabling users to confirm or change them as needed.

To set a disposition during an engagement, you need to select a disposition from the Dispositions window. Also, you have the option to choose a disposition after clicking Waiting or Resolved by using the Dispositions pop-up.

Pre-populated Dispositions

For future engagements, the Conversation-Level Dispositions are enabled for users, and they receive an alert that indicates the presence of saved Dispositions from their previous engagement. In case the same topic continues during the second engagement, the user is not required to take any action because the topic remains unchanged.

However, if a different topic is discussed during the second engagement, the agent can modify the disposition or choose additional dispositions (if multiple dispositions are enabled) using the Dispositions window.

Dispositions pop-up

With Conversation-Level Dispositions, the Dispositions pop-up that appears after an engagement is placed on Waiting or Resolved can be enabled or disabled.

Enabling Dispositions pop-up

When you enable the Dispositions pop-up, users are prompted to select a disposition from the Dispositions pop-up after each engagement, whether it is set to Waiting or Resolved. The Dispositions pop-up displays all the pre-selected Dispositions from previous engagements.

Disabling Dispositions pop-up

When you disable the Dispositions pop-up, users cannot view the Dispositions window display after selecting Waiting or Resolved for the second engagement or future engagements. Therefore, it is important to make the necessary changes to Dispositions during the engagement before you click the Waiting or Resolved option using the Dispositions window.

Dispositions during transfers

Dispositions may vary between agent groups, resulting in the system's inability to find an exact match between the Dispositions selected in the first engagement and the Dispositions available for the transferred Agent Group.

To pre-populate Dispositions for the active engagement, a complete match is required between the Dispositions selected in the first engagement and those available in the active engagement. Also, if there is a partial match, do not select Dispositions as it prompts users to select new Dispositions.