Transcript History
Agent Desktop provides users with an enhanced ability to access, navigate and search through the Transcript History in a more seamless way.
The Transcript History helps agents be more efficient by enabling them to scroll through the conversation to a specific location. This enables them to continually reference specific pieces of information as needed.
Continuous transcripts
In the Agent Desktop, the Transcript History window displays uninterrupted transcripts, including:
The current engagement transcript.
Previous engagement transcripts (for synchronous interactions) and previous engagement transcripts grouped by conversation (for asynchronous interactions).
This functionality enables users to seamlessly navigate through the history of customer conversations and acquire more context to enhance their service. Date and time separators are displayed in the transcript to help users track the specific engagement they are currently viewing.
Transcript Select
The Transcript Select, represented by a calendar icon in the Transcript History header, enables users with the ability to easily navigate to a previous engagement transcript without the need for manual scrolling.
When a user clicks the calendar icon, it displays a drop-down menu with a list of historical transcripts.
Asynchronous conversations— Users view a list of previous engagements grouped by conversation that they can browse.
The drop-down list includes the currently selected transcript, with a check mark to the right. When users make a new selection, it is also marked with a check mark.The Current option represents the current engagement transcript and is always visible as users scroll through the drop-down list, enabling them to select it without scrolling to the bottom.
By selecting a transcript from the list, the agent view instantly shifts the focus to the start of the selected transcript. When an engagement is part of a conversation, there is a number in the date and time header to identify which conversation that engagement belongs to.
Search continuous transcripts
The Search continuous transcripts functionality enables users to search the entire transcript history beyond the currently selected engagement using a continuous scroll. It enables users to search through previous engagement transcripts for synchronous engagements and previous conversation transcripts for asynchronous interactions.
This facilitates easy access to the information needed for improved customer service without the need for an individual search of previous engagements.
Transcript History text display
Agents can distinguish between customer message text, agent message text and status message text in the Transcript History pane of the Agent Desktop. Text in the Transcript History pane display as follows:
Agent message text is blue.
Customer message text is black.
Status change message text is black.
Masked message text is black.
Prefixes are displayed in the same color as the message text, but they are presented in bold letters.
For example,
Note: This image shows text colors in a test environment and does not represent an actual transcript.