Glossary of terms

  • An engagement based dimension which represents the deepest state Agent Coach reached within an engagement. Possible values: Unknown, Disabled, Enabled, Displayed, or Sent.
  • True when Agent coach recommendation filtering is enabled, otherwise False.
  • The type of agent coach recommendation that is selected by the agent. All possible Values: Direct Send, Edit Send, No Action
  • The agent username.
  • A "screen name" assigned to an agent's user profile. This name is shown to the end user when the agent is chatting.
  • An agent skill or characteristic. A category used for routing or reporting purposes. Examples of agent attributes include language, location, and expertise.
  • Agent Coach uses Nina's virtual assistant ability to suggest scripts and reminders to client agents for use during chats.
  • A data category that groups agent login accounts for chat routing. Agent groups normally exist within a business unit.
  • An attribute (name/value pair) assigned to an agent within Portal. An agent can have zero or more attributes assigned.
  • Text value of Agent reminders that are displayed in an engagement with Agent Coach enabled.
  • The name assigned to a group of agents.
  • A transfer path showing the agent group from to the agent to.
  • A transfer path showing the agent group "from" to the agent group "to."
  • A transfer path from the agent group to a business unit.
  • A transfer path showing the agent from to the agent to.
  • A transfer path showing the agent from to the agent group to.
  • A transfer path showing the agent from to the business unit to.
  • The type of agent, either live or virtual.
  • The user name assigned to an agent within Portal.
  • Used to generate a URL that will launch a CI (chat interface).
  • A single line of text that the system automatically sends to a customer when a chat is assigned to an agent. Only one line of text is allowed.
  • The system that allows Agents to automate their work flows by selecting automatons in the AI and passing them on to the chat interface.
  • A data set that allows Agents to pass preformed information to a customer or to utilize a particular work flow. Typically, an Agent selects an automaton in the AI and the data or work flow displays in the chat interface. Examples include targeted offers and surveys.
  • An attribute assigned to an automaton within Portal.
  • The name of the automaton based on its automation ID.
  • The name of the node used for the automaton. The node is a page within the automaton.
  • An attribute assigned to an automaton node within Nuance Portal.
  • The question string concatenated with the corresponding answer string for a given automaton node.
  • The path of the node within the automaton.
  • The description of the outcome for the automaton.
  • The outcome type for the automaton. (Completed / Abandoned / Refused / Not Completed)
  • The automaton is started by the agent, an automaton or abusiness rule.
  • A name for the type of automaton.
  • Name of the browser used by the customer.
  • Version number of the browser used by the customer.
  • A logical statement that if TRUE, will cause an action to take place. If the statement is FALSE, nothing will happen. BRs perform many functions including identifying launch conditions, tracking customer behavior and managing the user experience.
  • Business Unit (BU) is data category used to define a sub-set of a client business such as sales, support, or finance. Reporting is available at the BU level.
  • An attribute assigned to an agent within Portal that is used by the business rule for routing purposes.
  • An attribute assigned to a business rule in Portal.
  • The type of business rule (PRO / C2C / C2Call) launched.
  • Name of the business rule.
  • Name of the business unit.
  • A transfer path showing the business unit that transferred the message (from) and the agent that received the message (to).
  • A transfer path showing the business unit from to the agent group to.
  • A transfer path from one business unit to another.
  • The name of the business state used by the agent.
  • Purchasing pages of a website. These are the pages from the cart to the page before the confirmation page.
  • Click to chat, or click to call.
  • Name of the channel being used.
  • A chat is the lines of text that go back and forth between an Agent and a Customer.
  • The term "chat ID" is frequently used as a synonym for "engagement ID." Engagement ID is the preferred term because an "engagement" includes metadata and a "chat" does not. See also definitions for "chat" and "engagement."
  • A window that displays a chat dialog.
  • A set of information that defines all elements of a chat engagement. Includes chat themes, script content, agent assignment data, and survey info.
  • The collection and placement of icons, buttons, colors, and other details that define your chat interface window.
  • Name of the client being used.
  • Cobrowse allows agents to view the customer's screen and guide them through complex activities.
  • The confidence score provided for each intent to indicate the likelihood of a potential match.
  • A value that cannot be altered during normal execution of the software. (Contrast with "variable.")
  • A group of web pages on a given client site. Content groups are used to specify pages in business rules. Content groups can contain pages, other content groups and RegExp.
  • The virtual assistant package number that includes content and grammar created in the Nina IQ Studio.
  • The name of the social media channel (such as SMS, Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp).
  • Identification number assigned to a conversation.
  • The outcome of the final engagement (Resolved, Unresolved, Unassigned, or N/A).
  • Date upon which the first exchange of a conversation was made.
  • The engagement product to which a specific conversion is attributed.
  • Identification assigned to a customer.
  • The type of device (standard, phone, tablet, CEAPI, or SMS) used by the customer.
  • The conclusion of a chat or engagement. Dispositions are used to categorize how and under what circumstances customer engagements end. Examples include "No Customer Response" or "Transfer to Support."
  • The name of the disposition specified by the agent when the session is closed.
  • An engagement is a virtual container that holds a chat transcript plus all of the metadata related to the transcript.
  • An identification number assigned to an engagement. The term "engagement ID" is more precisely accurate than the term "chat ID."
  • See "agent attribute."
  • An attribute assigned to an engagement within Portal.
  • The category name of the way an engagement ends.
  • An attribute is "exclusive" when all agent accounts have either zero or one value of the attribute. "Location" is an example of an exclusive attribute.
  • A script line that requires an agent to fill in a blank before the script can be sent to a customer in a chat session.
  • A numeric hierarchy for rules that define when a business rule can be relaunched for a customer based on priority.
  • Applies to reporting. Data sits in the Realtime system for 2 hours. After 2 hours, the data disappears from Realtime and becomes Historic. See also "Realtime data."
  • The result of a VA request. Values are: intentSelected, conceptSelected, incomprehension, takeover, transfer or timeout.
  • The software prevents profane or offensive words from displaying to customers. Each client can define their own list of "illegal" words.
  • The value is true if within hours of operation as set in Portal. Otherwise the value is false.
  • The time between the agent receiving a first engagement assignment and the agent sending a message in response to the customer.
  • Window on the chat theme that displays chat text typed in by the agent before it is sent to the customer.
  • (JSON Web Token)
  • A business rule that launches a live chat.
  • A segment of a chat that describes part of a workflow. Lifecycles include engagement, pre-assignment and conversion.
  • A framework for defining API link elements.
  • The name of all the dispositions specified by the agent when a session is closed.
  • The maximum number of chat sessions that can be assigned to an agent under normal circumstances. The max forced value can override max chat count.
  • The number of chat sessions that can be assigned to an agent over and above the agent's max chat count value.
  • The number of chat messages the agent has sent while the chat theme has been minimized. Displays as a number on the minimized chat theme.
  • A program that allows customer responses that the virtual assistant (Nina) cannot comprehend to be escalated to a live agent for manual direction.
  • The name of the customer's operating system (Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, Mac OS, or CEAPI)
  • An attribute assigned to an order in Portal.
  • A business rule that overrides other rules or parameters under specified conditions.
  • The name of a group of URLs.
  • This feature displays agent metrics in the Agent Interface. It allows agents to track their performance in real time.
  • A chat session that launches as soon as the agent sends the chat interface.
  • The name of the product a customer purchases.
  • An attribute assigned to a product in Portal.
  • The name of the order category.
  • The name of the product category.
  • QR code is a machine-readable code used for storing URLs or other information. Smartphones read QR codes with their cameras.
  • Messages that display to customers waiting in a queue to chat with an agent.
  • The threshold applied to the business rule used to determine exposure based on agent availability.
  • The user must click a button on the chat interface to launch a chat session.
  • Applies to reporting. A realtime transcript presents a current snapshot of the system data. See also "historic data."
  • Regular expression. A sequence of characters, or a pattern, used to match character combinations in strings. Often used to define a search pattern.
  • Regular expression. A sequence of characters, or a pattern, used to match character combinations in strings. Often used to define a search pattern.
  • Free-form text that makes suggestions to an agent or reminds them of something such as a special offer or promotion. Used with Agent Coach.
  • An attribute is "required" when all agent user accounts must have at least one value of the attribute. "Language" is an example of a required attribute.
  • A user profile has different capabilities within the software based on the role assignment. Typically, role relates to the user's job title or function.
  • The act of directing a chat session to a particular agent or agent group.
  • A set of attributes determined by percentage values used for routing chats. (Chats can also be routed using attributes configured in the business rules.)
  • The amount of time allowed for a sale to be assocated with an engagement.
  • Script lines are organized into script groups so they can be managed together. Standard script groups include Openers, Discover, Recommend, and Sell.
  • A line inside a script group that acts as a marker for different types of script lines. They can also provide notes and instructions for agents. Script headers typically display in all CAPS.
  • A line of script that an agent can send to a customer during a chat session.
  • Script lines can be suppressed on certain devices. See Script Management.
  • A collection of script lines and script groups that are arranged as a data tree.
  • Text of a script line, verbatim, used by the agent or virtual assistant.
  • Used to block a user account from viewing data that matches the filter selections.
  • An attribute assigned to a session in Portal.
  • SMS stands for Short Message Service and is also commonly referred to as a "text message." With an SMS, you can send a message of up to 160 characters to another device. Longer messages will automatically be split up to several parts. Most cell phones support this type of text messaging.
  • A message that is sent automatically by the software to an agent or a customer during a chat session.
  • An email that is sent upon the successful completion of a post-chat survey.
  • Window on the chat theme that displays the chat dialog text between the agent and the customer.
  • A collection of data that defines a user login account. Includes name, email address, password, and other identifying information.
  • The type of virtual assistant used for an engagement.
  • An identifier with a value that can be changed during normal execution of the software. (Contrast with "constant.")
  • The name of the video.
  • A software application that engages customers in conversations and provides them with answers to their questions. Sometimes referred to as "virtual agents."
  • The intent from the virtual assistant knowledge base. Intents are defined in Nina IQ Studio.
  • The action (direct send, edit send, no action) the agent took once an intent was displayed to the agent.
  • The NLU-based best match intent (match or non-match) for customer line met confidence score threshold requirement to display Agent Coach recommended response to an agent.
  • An attribute used to define a client customer. Visitor attributes are set up in the business rules.
  • An attribute assigned to a visitor in Portal.
  • icons that display on the Agent Desktop workspace to give summary information to the agent about their engagement. Information can include initial response time, customer name, length of engagement, type of incoming device, total number of incoming engagements and more.
  • A business rule that works in the background to support a launch rule, which launches a live chat.