Administrator tasks

The Supervisor Administrator role gives advanced users access to additional admin settings that help customize the desktop’s views for their program. Supervisor Administrators can create custom attribute columns for all existing views, add new custom sub-tabs to the Active and Queue tabs, create data cell and global alerts on all numeric-based metrics and hide unnecessary columns from their view.

Note: Supervisor Administrator is not a standard role. Please contact Nuance to have this enabled.

Admin Configuration mode

The Admin Configuration mode allows a user with the Administration Supervisor role to set up configurations for any BU or AG that would apply to all supervisors belonging to those groups.

Note: Configuration changes can only be made for a single BU or AG, because not all BUs/AGs necessarily have access to the same information.

For example, you could:

  • Add or remove columns

  • Add, edit, or delete custom views

To customizing the interface for supervisor group:

  1. Start by making your custom configurations in the Supervisor Desktop. There is no need to enable the functionality. As you make your changes, a red dot appears in the areas you have changed but not yet saved.

  2. The Commit View Changes action icon will also display next to the Search field.

  3. When you are ready to save your changes, click Commit View Changes.

  4. The Commit View Changes? dialog appears, showing a summary of your changes:

    1. Click Cancel to return to make more changes

    2. Click Discard to discard changes

    3. Click Commit to save the changes

  5. If the custom configurations were set up but not committed, when you log off Supervisor Desktop, the following dialog would display. Choose one of the following options: 

    1. Discard & Log Out: All changes will be discarded and you will be logged out.

    2. Cancel: Returns to commit custom configurations.

Managing views

Users with the Supervisor Administrator role can create new views and custom attribute columns in Supervisor Desktop. These custom views are saved at the selected business unit or agent group level for all other users in their team, including default column order, hidden columns, alerts, and custom attribute columns. The Manage views option is available only when one business unit or agent group is selected.

Adding a new view

Supervisor Administrators can add new views.

  1. Select a single BU or AG.

  2. Click + to display the Add New View dialog.

  3. Enter a name for the view under View Name.

  4. Select the Attribute Type you would like to add.

  5. Select the Attribute Name from the dropdown list.

  6. Click Add View to save.

Users will see the new view created in a form of a sub-tab. This sub-tab will also be visible to all other users who belong to the same BU or AG the view is created for as the Supervisor Administrators.

Editing a view

Supervisor Administrators can edit views.

To edit a view:

1. Hover over the view and click the Edit button ().

2. The Edit dialog appears. Make changes as necessary.

3. Click Edit View to save the changes.

Deleting a view

Supervisor Administrators can delete views.

1. Hover over the view and click the Delete icon.

2. A confirmation dialog will appear:

3. Click Delete.

Managing columns

Supervisor Administrators can add or remove columns in each sub-tab by using the Columns option at the top right. This controls the data columns that are displayed in each available view.

To add or remove columns:

  1. Click Columns on the right side of the header bar. A new window appears showing a list of available columns.

  2. To edit existing columns, edit the check boxes as needed. Clear a check box to hide a column. Select a check box to show a column.

  3. To add a new column, click Add New Columns. In the dialog, select an option for the column's Attribute Type and Attribute Name. Then click Add. Here's an example:

Managing Alerts

Alerts can be set at the selected BU or AG level and will be applied to the selected column in the current sub-tab view. Once alerts are set up, they will be available until they are deleted. There is no need to reset alerts for every session. You can add, edit, or delete alerts as needed. You can also disable alerts without deleting them.

When one or more alerts are in effect the Alerts button is displayed in blue.

To manage alerts:

  1. Click Alerts to display the Manage Alerts dialog.

  2. Select the Column you would like to apply the alert to.

  3. Select the Color you would like to apply to the column when the alert is in effect.

  4. For Value, set the threshold value that should trigger the alert.

  5. Click + to add additional Alert.

  6. Click x to delete an alert.

  7. Click the toggle () to disable an alert without deleting it. Click the toggle again to enable the alert.

  8. When finished making changes, click Apply & Save.

In the example above, two alerts were set for Average Response Time. It displays a yellow indicator when the value reaches 1 minute and a red indicator when the value reaches 3 minutes.

The image above shows the column where the alerts have been set. As the average response time reaches the highest set value, the cell is displayed in yellow. Once it has reached the highest set value, the cell will show a red alert. This will allow users to set alerts at the selected BU or AG level so the supervisor and other support staff can more easily adjust their workforce in real time.