Active tab

The Active tab provides data on all active engagements that are separated into different sub-tabs:

  • Chats

  • Business Rules

  • Pages

  • Escalated Chats

Active tab: Chats

The Chats sub-tab displays one active engagement per line, allowing users to view data and engagement transcripts in real time.



Chat Name

The launch condition for each engagement; what triggered engagement to launch.

Chat ID

The Chat ID number for each engagement.

Agent/Agent Full Name

The User ID and full name of the agent handing the engagement.


The current Page Marker for each engagement.


True or False status for engagements that have Pushed to Persistent.


The total duration of each engagement.


The status of the engagement, such as Customer or Agent Waiting.

Status time

The total time each engagement has been in that status.

Average Response Time

The average response time for each engagement.

Max Response

The maximum response time of the current engagement

Realtime observation and coaching

You can observe engagements in real time from the Chats sub-tab and also chat in real time to coach the agent as they manage the chats.

Observing an engagement

  1. Click on an engagement line from the list displayed.

  2. The engagement transcript will display in a new window to the right and will update in real time.

  3. Select Show Details to display additional details about the engagement, such as system messages, datapass, page markers, and business rules.

  4. If a message in the transcript exceeds 1,000 characters, then part of the message is hidden to save space. Click View More to display the full message. Click View Less to hide it.

Chat with Agent: coaching

The Chat with Agent feature (also known as internal chat) allows supervisors to internally communicate with the agent. When this feature is enabled via Portal, supervisors are able to initiate an internal chat with an agent while the agent is managing their customers live engagement. The customer cannot see this conversation; only the agent and supervisor can. The agent may or may not reply.

This feature is used primarily for coaching purposes while the agent is chatting.

Initiating a Chat with Agent

  1. Select the engagement line to view the live transcript.

  2. Click Chat with Agent at the bottom of the transcript window.

  3. An Internal Chat window appears on the right. Type your message in the Internal Chat window and click Send to begin the internal chat.

  4. The agent will see the message in the Internal Chat window of Agent Desktop.

Note: Internal messages are never shown to the customer under any circumstances but are viewable in historical transcript reporting.

Chat with Agent: Minimize, Bookmark, and End Chat

After an internal chat has been initiated with an agent, you can click the button at the top right corner to display options for Minimize, Bookmark, and End internal chat

The Minimize option helps users manage multiple internal chats. When minimized, the internal chats will be listed in the Internal Chats panel at the bottom of the screen for easy access.

Example of multiple active internal chats

Click X if you want to remove the internal chat panel. This does not terminate the internal chat, but simply removes the panel. You can display the internal chat by clicking the button at the bottom right of the screen.

You can select an chat from the Internal Chats panel to actively monitor and continue their internal chat. When several internal chats are docked, click a chat in the panel to expand it.

When docked, engagements that are still active display a green dot to the left.

Removing inactive engagements from the Internal Chats panel

  1. Click the button to display the Internal Chats panel.

  2. Click on the inactive chat. The chat window displays.

  3. Click on the menu at the upper right.

  4. Select Remove From List.

Using the Overflow button

When the number of open internal chat windows exceeds the ability to display them on the screen, the Overflow button appears. When the number of chat windows is below the maximum, the Overflow button disappears. The maximum number of open windows that can be displayed depends on the size of the browser window, font sizes, and other factors.

The Overflow button appears on the bottom of the left navigation bar. Click the Overflow button to display a list of internal chats that currently have open windows.

The list shows internal chats that are open but cannot be displayed due to lack of space.

When you click a chat in the overflow list, it is expanded and displayed to the left of the Internal Chats panel. Any other open internal chat windows are moved to the left, if there is sufficient available space to do so. If there isn't sufficient space, those chat windows are minimized and added to the bottom of the overflow list.

Internal Chat Scrolling Feature

When facilitating internal chats with the agents, and the conversation has many unread messages, the user will see the message:

See New Messages, along with the number of messages waiting to be read and a down-arrow indicating that you can scroll down.

If you are reviewing the conversation and new messages appear, the following message will display:

The transcript window will stay static in the location you are reviewing so as not to interrupt your review and making you aware more messages are waiting to be read.

End internal chat

To end an internal chat with an agent, click on the End internal chat in the engagement transcript menu.

A pop-up will display for the user to verify that they would like to end the internal chat.

When docked, engagements will display the options for Expand (expand the window to its original size), Bookmark, and End internal chat in the upper right.

Active Tab: Business Rules

The Business Rules sub-tab displays engagements organized by the business rule that launched the engagement. This view can be used by users who would like to examine the incoming traffic’s launch criteria.

Active tab: Pages

The Pages sub-tab displays engagements organized by the launch page that they initiated from. This helps you understand where on the website these engagements are coming from.

The available columns of information in the Business Rules and Pages sub-tabs are shown below.



Business Rule

The business rule that triggered the engagement.


The page the engagements was triggered from.

Active Chats

The number of active engagements in that business rule or page.

Average Duration

The average duration of engagements launched by business rule or page.

Average Response Time

The average response time for engagements.


The agent(s) currently assigned to engagements in that business rule or page.

Active tab: Escalated Chats

The Escalated Chats sub-tab displays engagements where agents have added an escalation note via Agent Desktop. If Live KPIs are visible, users will also see a red Escalated Chat alert.

The escalation note that was added to the engagement will be visible in this view. If a transfer or conference has occurred where multiple agents have added an escalation note, the agents will be listed in the order of escalation.

You can click on an engagement line to view the engagement transcript in real time, allowing you to coach escalations that are still active.