Error logging
VoiceXML Connector returns HTTP status codes and standard gRPC codes returned from the Dialog service.
HTTP status codes
General definitions:
Status 200 means the request from your client application is successful, and the dialog flow advances to the next step.
Status in the 400 range indicate an error in the request.
Status in the 500 range indicate an internal error in VoiceXML Connector or Mix services.
Search the internet for other common codes. For example, Wikipedia.
Specific codes used in the context of VoiceXML Connector:
Code | Message | Description |
200 | Success | Successful response |
'200 | Error eventMessage | Failure |
400 | Bad request | Request was malformed or not supported. |
401 | Unexpected Exception - 401 | Request authorization failed. Investigate the configuration of Mix credentials. |
404 | Not Found |
Typical causes:
500 | Internal Server error |
Example :
200 - With error eventMessage : invalid session
These messages indicate the requested session is expired or invalid:
Error message |
Entered execute with invalid session . |
Entered data with invalid session . |
Entered executeMultipart with invalid session . |
Entered completeTransfer with invalid session . |
Entered executeSubDialog with invalid session . |
Entered execute continue action with invalid session . |
Entered executeDataAccess with invalid session . |
Session Invalid after 15 min. |
gRPC errors from the Dialog service
Search the internet for standard gRPC code. For example, GRCP Core.
Common codes and causes:
Error | Meaning | Typical Causes and Solutions |
Service is out of service |
NOT_FOUND | Specified resource could not be found |
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED | Timer expired before operation finished |
OUT_OF_RANGE | Specified value exceeds the valid range |
FAILED_PRECONDITION | Speech recognition in Speech Suite returned status code in the 400 range |
Internal error occurred |
Errors with Redis
Error | Meaning | Typical Causes and Solutions |
RedisSessionWrapper - Redis server response timeout |
Connection timeout with redis client |
DNSMonitor - Unable to resolve redis | VoiceXML Connector cannot initialize because redis is not in service or is incorrectly configured |
org.redisson.client.RedisTimeoutException: Command execution timeout for command: (PING) | Connection timeout with Redis client for the given command |
Errors with Nuance Recognizer
Error | Typical Causes and Solutions |
Confirm that any grammar files in your application stub exist and are valid. Ensure the configuration of grammarBaseURL, audioBaseURL and modelBaseURL are correct. |
The Connector cannot access these configured locations: grammarBaseURL, audioBaseURL or modelBaseURL. |
Errors with Microsoft Neural TTS
If an error occurs when processing Microsoft Neural TTS requests, one of the following occurs:
The request fails, an error is returned to the client application
The request is fulfilled by the default Vocalizer TTS engine
Error | Typical Causes and Solutions |
neuralTtsUrl parameter is required for neural TTS engine. | The NeuralTtsUrl parameter (the BaseUrl for the NTM service) is not configured. |
Voice name is required field for neural TTS and can't be empty. | The dialog model does not define a voice name for neuralTTS. |