DM Options

The DM Options report details how people interact within the Dialog Module state. This report details options selected for each Dialog Module.


For each Dialog Module, this table lists a raw count and a percentage distribution of the results for each Dialog Module state, including the visits that resulted in No Result. With this table users get a picture of how each successful visit ends and what percentage of visits are not successful.

  • Dialog Module - Dialog Module state in question, full state name given

  • Option - One of the possible options that a user could say at the module

  • Num Occurrences - Raw count of how many times an option was recognized at the state

  • Percent of Dialog Module - Percentage for each option from the total number of results per Dialog Module


Increase the specificity of your report by applying filters to the data. The DM Option report's filters include Date, Dialog Module, Option Name, and Limit to Top DM Options. Additionally, the report may include one or more other customized filters depending on what has been configured specifically for your system.



The Date Range filter is a slider with two moveable sides. By narrowing the date range, you display only data falling within the range.

Visualization of the Date Range slider

In addition to the slider, the filter allows you to specify start and end points to the range by time of day as well as by date by clicking the Start and End regions, clicking a second time on the time of day, and then manually entering a new time of day.

Visualization of clickable regions in Date Range slider to specify start and end times with date picker

Visualization of time-of-day region in one of Date Range slider's date pickers

To select a date with the date picker, click the Start region to pick a date from the date picker widget. Do the same with the End region.

Visualization of calendar region in one of Date Range slider's date pickers

Dialog Module

Reduce the volume of reported data by specifying which Dialog Modules to include (to the exclusion of all other unselected Dialog Modules).

  1. Click the Dialog Module field to see the drop-down list.

  2. Select a Dialog Module from the list.

Option Name

Reduce the volume of reported data by selecting one, several or all options.

In each Dialog Module, the application prompts the caller with a question. The caller responds with an answer. An option is the application's interpretation of the caller's answer. There can be several caller inputs that map to any one option. For example, in answer to an IVR-posed question, a caller might answer, "I want to make a payment." Alternatively, the caller might answer, "Make a payment." In either case, the IVR maps the caller's answer to the option makePayment.

Once one or more options are selected in the Option Name filter, all other data whose user inputs do not map to the selected options are filtered out.

  • If you would like to filter out most of the list's options, clear the All checkbox, select individual checkboxes corresponding to options whose data you would like to make visible in your reported data, and then click Apply.

  • If you would like to filter out only a minority of the list's options, select the All checkbox, individually clear those checkboxes corresponding to options whose data you would like to filter out from your reported data, and then click Apply.

Limit to Top DM Options

The Limit to Top DM Options slider filter allows you to limit the number of displayed options based on their frequency. For example, entering the range 1 to 5 with the slider makes the report display only the top five most frequent options in each dialog module. All other options are not displayed.

Custom filters

This report accommodates customizable filters.

Customizable filters narrow the scope of the reported dataset by including or excluding data with identifiable attributes. These attributes may be about the caller, the call itself, or about an event that may have happened during the call.

For example, one possible customizable filter you can add and customize in this view is Caller Type, in which you can narrow the reported data to include, or exclude, only those data with the selected caller type.

Visualization of an example custom filter

For more information about how to add customized filters to your view, contact your Nuance Professional Services representative.

Note: If you would like to modify this or any report, Nuance Communications, Inc. recommends you contact Nuance Professional Services.