Modifying license files

Speech Suite users can make the following changes to generated license files:

  • Change the filename of the license file. See Changing license file names.
  • Change the machine name (not the hostid) on the SERVER line of the license file. This is useful if you rename the machine or if you run lmgrd on a different machine from the Nuance components. This step is required for quorum licensing.
  • Add a path to the vendor daemon on the VENDOR line of the license file. This is useful when swilmgrd is not stored in the default location and lmgrd cannot find that directory.
  • Change the port being used in the license file. This is useful when you are already using the default port for something else (for example, for another lmgrd process for a different product). See Changing the license manager port.
  • Add an INCREMENT line if directed by Nuance technical support or when merging license files. (See Merging license files.)

The contents of a license file depends upon the speech product. If you edit a license file, be very careful. See the FLEXnet documentation for details about license files and their syntax.

Note: Licenses are associated with specific License Manager instances. You cannot run a License Manager with a license file that was created for another server.

Changing license file names

You can use any filename for license files. By convention, nuance.lic is recommended.

The License Manager is preconfigured to look for a dummy license file named temp.lic. You should change the name on each License Manager using FLEXnet tools.

Merging license files

Administrators need to merge license files in the following situations:

  • When you acquire more than one licensed product, and want to serve licenses from a single, shared License Manager (or a quorum of redundant License Managers), you can generate the license files separately for each product and merge them into a single license file.
  • When you add licensed ports to an existing License Manager, you generate a new license file for the additional ports and merge the new licensing file into the existing one.

There is an alternative to merging license files in the situations described above. Instead, you can return existing licenses and regenerate new license files with the needed configuration. See the fulfillment website for instructions.

Note: Some license files are incompatible, and cannot be merged. Files are not compatible when one is for a single server (one SERVER line) and the other is for redundancy (three SERVER lines). Also, files are not compatible if one uses "ANY" network addressing (in the SERVER line) and the other is locked to a MAC address (such as 000BDB79366D).

To merge two or more license files:

  1. Select one of the files as the master, comprehensive license file, and give it an appropriate name.
  2. Open the files in a text editor.
  3. Copy and paste the text of the INCREMENT lines from the subordinate files to the bottom of the master. Then save the master file.
  4. Configure the License Manager to point to the new, merged license file.

Below is a sample INCREMENT line from a license file. There can be many of these lines in a single file. When merging files, copy all INCREMENT lines to the master license file:

INCREMENT osr_swiep swilmgrd 4.0 10-mar-2007 3 ISSUED=11-Sep-2006\
SN=OR6081:7501 SIGN="0DA0 F257 FE4C B2FB 2857 84EA 9D74 81C9 \
8EFB 8A2F 5C2B B4F7 DD7A C696 E517 0FC2 AB2E 2172 68A8 348A \
0416 0E1A 0EC7 6C8A DEBC 7E81 635E E923 5A69 CB2F" SIGN2="057D \
2A04 B7BC 0451 60BF 8347 1B00 3658 2A84 8E27 3FD9 FD62 CE8C \
B24E 42D4 0F62 6BA3 0B4B 31BD 6B57 3608 4AA6 00C3 909D 92B8 \
481C 069F C508 51C9 0EE2"

License file contents

A short sample license file appears below:

# This is a license issued by Nuance Communications, Inc.
# This license certificate authorizes you to use the Nuance
# software specified below.
# This license created to fulfill order OR1234, ID 56789
# Created on 2016-08-19 11:26:43.61
SERVER host ANY port
VENDOR swilmgrd
INCREMENT nuance_nvn_tts_mrcp swilmgrd 6.0 18-mar-2016 1000 \
	VENDOR_STRING="Nuance Vocalizer for Network–\
	FULL:Evaluation-180 days" ISSUED=19-Sep-2015 SN=OR1234:56789 \
	SIGN="A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 \
	A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 \
	A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1 A1A1" SIGN2="B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 \
	B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 \
	B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 B2B2 \
	B2B2 B2B2"
INCREMENT nuance_nvn_cpr_mrcp swilmgrd 6.0 18-mar-2016 1000 \
	VENDOR_STRING="Nuance Vocalizer for Network–\
	FULL:Evaluation-180 days" ISSUED=19-Sep-2015 SN=OR1234:56789 \
	SIGN="C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 \
	C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 \
	C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3 C3C3" SIGN2="D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 \
	D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 \
	D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 D4D4 \
	D4D4 D4D4"
INCREMENT vestudio_apdb swilmgrd 1.0 18-mar-2016 1000 \
	VENDOR_STRING="Nuance Vocalizer for Network–\
	FULL:Evaluation-180 days" ISSUED=19-Sep-2015 SN=OR1234:56789 \
	SIGN="E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 \
	E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 \
	E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5 E5E5" SIGN2="F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 \
	F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 \
	F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 F6F6 \
	F6F6 F6F6"
INCREMENT nss_encryption swilmgrd 6.0 18-mar-2016 1000 \
	VENDOR_STRING="Nuance Vocalizer for Network–\
	FULL:Evaluation-180 days" ISSUED=19-Sep-2015 SN=OR1234:56789 \
	SIGN="G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 \
	G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 \
	G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7 G7G7" SIGN2="H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 \
	H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 \
	H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 H8H8 \
	H8H8 H8H8"
# For additional information or questions with the license,
# you can contact Nuance technical support through our support website at Nuance Network,
# by email at or call 781-565-5480 and ask for "Network Speech Support"

The license file begins with a header section:

SERVER host ANY port
VENDOR swilmgrd

Here, the host is hostname of the machine that hosts the License Manager. The port is the port on which the License Manager listens: by default, this is usually 27000 or 28000. The main body of the license file consists of INCREMENT blocs. Each INCREMENT enables a specific feature for a specific product. Each bloc contains several fields that are filled automatically when the license is generated.

As a general rule, you should not modify the contents of your license file. However under some circumstances you may need to change the host or port. You may also consolidate the licenses for several products into a single file by copying and pasting INCREMENT blocs into a single file.