Loading license files

Optional. You can replace license files in License Manager at any time.

  • If the licensed product installer loaded a temporary license that you must replace before running licensed products.
  • If you loaded an evaluation license, you can replace it with a permanent one.
  • In the future, you can load new license files. For example, you could generate a license to cover new products or a different number of licenses, or you might manually edit a license file.

Replacing a license on Windows

  1. Log on to the License Manager host as a user with administrator or root privileges.

  2. Copy the new license to: %NUANCE_LICMGR%\license\

  3. Configure the License Manager to point to the new license.

    1. From the Start menu, run Licensing Tools. The LMTOOLS window appears.
    2. Ensure that Configuration using Services is enabled, then select Nuance Licensing Service from the list.
    3. Change to the Config Services tab and set the Path to the license file field to point to the new license file. Click Save Service to save any changes.
    4. Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab and click Yes in the confirmation dialog to save the new setting.
    5. Restart the license server: on the Start/Stop/Reread tab, select the Force Server Shutdown check box and click Stop Server. Then click Start Server. This step adds the file and path to the Windows registry for all subsequent restarts of the service.

  4. Activate the change as follows by rebooting hosts.

    If you have an all-in-one installation architecture, reboot the host for the change to take effect.

    If the License Manager and Management Station are on different hosts, restart the Management Station, statistics analyzer, and data collection services.

    If the number of ports in the new license has decreased, and the License Manager is on a different host than the Speech Server service and Nuance recognition service, then you must restart the Speech Server service and Nuance recognition service. There is no need to restart these services if the number of ports has increased, if more components have been added to the license, or if the expiration date has changed.

Replacing a license on Linux

  1. Log on to the License Manager host as a user with administrator or root privileges.

  2. /var/local/Nuance/

  3. Change the ownership of the license file to nuance:nuance and make sure it is readable by all users.

  4.  Reconfigure the License Manager to point to the valid license.
    1. Change to usr/local/Nuance/license_manager/components.
    2. Run the set-new-lic-file.sh script, specifying the full path to the license. For example:
      > ./set-new-lic-file.sh /var/local/Nuance/filename.lic

      The script resets the License Manager to use the new license.

    3. (To avoid permission conflicts, store the license file in the same directory as setup.sh.)

  5. Restart the Nuance Licensing Service. See Starting and stopping License Manager.
  6. If you have an all-in-one installation architecture, reboot the host for the change to take effect.
  7. If you have a distributed installation architecture, activate the change by rebooting hosts or as follows.

    If NOT using Management Station, restart the watcher service, and then restart all services.

    If using Management Station restart the Management Station, statistics analyzer, and data collection services:

    On CentOS 7:
    > systemstl restart initScriptmserver.sh
    > systemstl restart initScriptmserverdc.sh
    > systemstl restart initScriptmserversa.sh
  8. If the number of ports in the new license has decreased, and the License Manager is on a different host than the Speech Server service and Nuance recognition service, then you must restart the Speech Server service and Nuance recognition service. There is no need to restart these services if the number of ports has increased, if more components have been added to the license, or if the expiration date has changed.