Get a license file

To use Nuance licensed products you must load licenses into a License Manager. Product installations are easier if you acquire license files before software installation. Otherwise, you must manually load licenses after the installation. If you already have a license file, ignore this topic.

Note: This documentation does not provide complete information about License Manager capabilities and administration. This is because your licenses are dependent on factors such as your license agreement with Nuance, the products you intend use, the expected capacity of your system, and the design of your deployment architecture. In most cases, you will work directly with Nuance to design the License Manager installation and to generate the license files. For complete licensing documentation, see the Enterprise Speech Licensing Central website (described below).

When you complete your sales agreement purchase order with Nuance, you receive a License Authorization Code (LAC). You use the LAC to generate your license file on the Enterprise Speech Licensing Central website.

To get a license:

  1. Plan the installation architecture—You must decide where (which hosts) to run licensed components and the License Manager. See Deployment architecture decisions and Deploying the License Manager.
  2. Go to the Enterprise Speech Licensing Central website:
  3. Click Nuance Licensing.
  4. Get instructions on generating your license file by clicking User Guide, on the Nuance Licensing Login page,
  5. Generate the license file and copy to the License Manager host (the host where you intend to run the License Manager). If you plan more than one License Manager, each requires a license file.
  6. Run the Speech Suite installer on that host, install the License Manager, and provide the license file location when prompted.