Install a database

Required if using Management Station: you must install a MySQL or SQL Server database. Ignore this topic if not using Management Station.

Note: Nuance recommends that you review the supported database versions and ensure you install the desired version before installing or upgrading Speech Suite. This is easier than updating the database after installing or upgrading Speech Suite. (See the Speech Suite release notes for database version details.)

The mserver database stores operational and system configuration information collected from managed hosts. This data includes imported call log files, utterances, vital signs, and alarms generated by services. Optionally, you can create an audit database (mserver_audit), which logs all user actions on Management Station. After creating a database, you run a script to create the underlying database tables.

The step-by-step procedure for installing the database:

Note: You can install the Management Station and database on separate hosts, but both hosts must use the same operating system.