Setting up ZooKeeper

When using Dragon Voice services (engines), you must install Apache ZooKeeper and configure it to connect to Resource Manager and the engines.

  • You can install ZooKeeper on any host. This includes hosts with no Speech Suite components. The host must communicate with the Resource Manager host.
  • For redundancy, you can install multiple Zookeeper instances on multiple hosts. Use the Zookeeper instructions to configure interoperation among the Zookeeper servers. Typically this means having an odd number of servers for “election” purposes (for example, 1, 3, 5, and so on). For testing and development purposes, a single ZooKeeper host is sufficient. For production environments, Nuance (and Apache) recommends at least three ZooKeeper hosts to ensure that the ZooKeeper service stays active.
  • By default, the connection between Zookeeper and Resource Manager does not use authentication. For maximum security, see Configuring authentication.

Note: You cannot connect one Zookeeper to two different Speech Suite installations.


Before you begin:

  • Download the Apache ZooKeeper package on each host and extract it.
  • Use the Apache ZooKeeper documentation for full instructions, including system requirements.
  • Install 64-bit Java on each ZooKeeper host. If installing Zookeeper on a Speech Suite host, see the Speech Suite release notes for details about sharing the Java JRE.
  • IMPORTANT—You must configure Zookeeper's Java system property admin.serverPort to a non-default value. (The default port 8080 conflicts with the Management Station.) Alternatively, you can disable the admin feature with admin.enableServer=false in the zoo.cfg file.

Linux procedure

Windows procedure

Configuring authentication

Authentication is not enabled between ZooKeeper and Resource Manager by default. This opens a security risk if you host multiple customers on your network because code running on any server can query and modify nodes registered with ZooKeeper (including Resource Manager). For example, there's a risk of redirection of a customer's voice data towards fraudulent Dragon Voice instances.

Note: In the following procedure, follow your standard operating procedures to stop and start services and edit their properties. In other words, use Management Station (if using Management Station at your site) or use scripts or command line operations to affect these changes.

To enable authentication to ZooKeeper :

  1. Stop the Dragon Voice engines: Krypton, NLE, and NTpE and wait a short time for Resource Manager to remove their corresponding entries from ZooKeeper. (Use or zkCli.bat to confirm nodes KRYPTON, NLE and NTPE are empty.)

  2. Stop all Resource Manager services.

  3. Use the ZooKeeper command line client to delete the ZooKeeper NRM nodes. Run these commands in or zkCli.bat:

    delete /RM
    delete /Engines/KRYPTON
    delete /Engines/NLE
    delete /Engines/NTPE
    delete /Engines
  1. Add the following ZooKeeper properties to the Resource Manager service configuration. Specify any values for username and authenticationcode, and use the same values if you run a secondary Resource Manager. (If running services without Management Station, add these properties to the ZooKeeper section of every User-nrmxx.yaml file.)

    authUser: 'username'
    authCode: 'authenticationcode'

    Note: The username and authenticationcode are case sensitive.

    Example configuration in the ZooKeeper section of a User-nrmxx.yaml file:

      - 'hostname:port'
      authUser: 'nuance'
      authCode: 'mypassword'
  2. Start Resource Manager.
  3. Start the Dragon Voice engines.

To inspect NRM nodes in the future (after authentication is enabled), you must run the following command in the ZooKeeper command line client. Substitute the configured values for authUser and authCode:

addauth digest authUser:authCode