Backing up call logs

The system stores call logs in a directory structure for easy retrieval by company name, application name, and individual sessions. The path format:


To backup a select group of logs, use the appropriate portion of the log file path. All related logs are in that same directory.

  • All logged data.
  • All logs for a company.
  • All logs for an application.
  • Logs for a specific range of sessions.

In a large deployment with multiple Speech Servers on multiple hosts, the company or application logs for different sessions will reside on different hosts. To back up all logs for a particular company or application, you must check the log hierarchy for each host in the system.

When backing up encrypted data, remember to also backup the corresponding private key. (You'll need the key for decryption.) For more security, if you have defined an encryption key tag, you can back the tag up instead of the key itself. Then, for decryption, use the tag to find the associated private key, however you store it.