Assigning roles

This Management Station script assigns a role to a managed, available resource.


  • Windows: > assign-role.bat options
  • Linux: > ./ options



-hostname Host

Required. Name of the managed host where the role is being assigned.

Must be the display name defined in Management Station (Available Resources pool).


Optional. Flag to indicate that Management Station is configured for HTTPS. The default is HTTP.

-password MS_username_password

Optional. Account password. If not specified, the script prompts you for the password. Recommended only if you plan on invoking this script via a custom script used to automate some operations.

-port MS_port

Optional. Port assigned to Management Station. Default is 8080 (http) or 8444 (https).

-rolefilename role_filename

Required. Name of the role file to assign, for example, 1NSS_1NRS_1NVS_SC.xml or MyCustomRole.xml. You don't need to specify the path. The -roleuserdefined option influences where the script looks for the file.


Optional. If specified, the script looks for the role in %NUANCE_DATA_DIR%\system\customRoles\.

If not specified, the script looks for the role in %MSTATION_HOME%\mserver\webapps\mserver\config\roles.

-servername MS_host

Required. Name or IP address of Management Station.

-username MS_username

Optional. Management Station login user name. Default is Administrator.

The script prompts for the account password. Your typing is not echoed on the screen.

This command assigns a custom role to an available resource:

> assign-role.bat -hostname venus -rolefilename MyCustom_1NSS_1NRS_1NVS_SC.xml -roleuserdefined -servername ms-bladerunner 

This command assigns one of the default provided roles to an available resource (-roleuserdefined is not specified):

> assign-role.bat -hostname venus -rolefilename 1NSS_1NRS_1NVS_SC.xml -servername ms-bladerunner