How Management Station exports log data

To save disk space, Management Station stores only the call log data needed to generate reports.

After every call log import and log collect, it automatically exports the original call log data (including imported utterances and whole call recordings, if enabled) to zip files in predefined locations, then purges the imported and exported data on a weekly basis.

Storage locations for exported call log data on the Management Station host:

  • %NUANCE_DATA_DIR%\system\callLogArchives\export (for imported call logs)
  • %NUANCE_DATA_DIR%\system\callLogArchives\logCollectExport (for Log Collect users)

The exported call log data could be needed by Nuance Technical Support or other Nuance products for reporting purposes. The data includes call log files, utterances, and whole call recordings, if enabled.

The zip files are stored in subdirectories indicating the date and time when the export started. The format is YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS. For example, if an export started on May 10, 2012 at 17:58:43, the subdirectory would be named 2012-05-10_17-58-43.

It could happen that Management Station starts exporting many logs at the same time. In this situation, each subdirectory name ends in a unique number to ensure these exported logs have their own subdirectory. For example, if two log exports started on May 10, 2012 at 17:58:43, two subdirectories would be created:

2012-05-10_17-58-43_1 and 2012-05-10_17-58-43_2

The maximum amount that can be compressed into one zip file is 20 MB. For example, if Management Station exports 210 MB of call log data, it would create 11 zip files: 10 with 20 MB of data each, and one with 10 MB.

The filename takes the format The counter is incremented by one for each zip file created. So, for a call log export split into several zip files, the filenames would be,, and, and so on.

Unzipping the files reassembles call log files (and audio files, if included in the import) in their original directory hierarchy.

If Management Station detects a corrupted call log file during a call log import, it doesn’t import that call log file and generates a minor alarm to that effect. The log file will be automatically exported to %NUANCE_DATA_DIR%\system\callLogArchives\corruptCallLogs.