Backing up and restoring service configurations

Note: This topic is for Management Station users. If not using Management Station you can either back up the host, create a snapshot, or roll it back to a previous state.

You can back up service configurations on a host and then use it to restore settings on the same host (for example, after re-installing components) or to duplicate the configuration on other hosts. We use the terminology "backup and restore" and "save and re-use" interchangeably.

. Examples for these procedures:

  • Save time when deploying a network. You can re-use an entire network configuration without laborious repetition. For example, if you have a distributed installation with identical clusters you can create a configuration once on one Management Station host and reuse it on another.
  • Quickly restore the configuration after re-imaging the operating system and re-install Speech Suite on a host.
  • Re-create a network that is accidentally deleted.
  • Restore a working configuration when the current configuration becomes unresponsive for some reason. For example, you can see a new Speech Server host from Management Station (because it is using an existing role file), but you cannot interact with the service. After restoring the backup configuration on the Speech Server host, you can then interact with the Speech Server service.
Technique Description

Manual backup

Backup—copy the entire contents of the configuration folder (%NUANCE_DATA_DIR%/system/config ) and store in a safe location.

Restore—replace the configuration folder with the backup copy. Alternatively, copy individual files (role files) from the backup to the configuration folder.

Management Station

Backup—save the configuration as a custom role file and copy the output to a secure location.

Restore—copy the backup role file to the configuration folder, and then use Management Station to assign it.

Command line

Backup—save the configuration of any host, cluster, or entire network and store the output in a safe location.

Restore—copy the backup file to the configuration folder, and then use Management Station to assign it.