
Storage location for grammars fetched by Recognizer.


URI path of a directory to store grammars.


NULL (disabled)

How to set

As an environment variable.

In the SpeechWorks.cfg configuration file.

If both locations are defined, the environment variable is used rather than the value in the configuration file.


Frequently used during grammar development, and especially for runtime debugging when grammars are served by a remote server.

Use this parameter for debugging purposes onlly. Do not set it permanently on production systems because it adds to CPU and disk storage load. It provides the means to verify and debug grammars generated by servers by storing copies of grammars that are dynamically generated in response to runtime conditions.

In addition, whenever the Recognizer dumps a copy of a grammar, it also writes the SWIiffi event to the call log. The event identifies the filename of the dumped file.

This parameter writes copies of every grammar that is loaded or activated (including local file-based grammars).

The following environment variable defines a dump directory on the local machine:

setenv GrammarDumpDirectory "/home/grammarDump"

The Recognizer creates the directory before writing the first grammar file. If the directory already exists, the Recognizer creates a new directory by appending a digit to the name. For example, "/home/grammarDump-1"

Related parameter