An additional path to languages for Nuance Recognizer when they are not installed in the default location.


Path to the root location of the installed language. This must be expressed using the correct syntax for the operating system. To specify more than one directory, separate them with colons (on Linux), or semi-colons (on Windows).

For example:

  • c:\ProgramData\MyLanguages;D:\ExtraData (Windows)
  • /opt/MyLanguages:/opt/ExtraData (Linux)

Recognizer has access to all languages in the listed directory. For example, with the setting shown, if /opt/ExtraData includes subdirectories for US English and Australian English, Recognizer would have access to both /opt/ExtraData/ and /opt/ExtraData/


This parameter is not set at installation. Recognizer instead looks for languages only in the $SWISRDSDK/config location:

  • On Windows—C:\Program Files\Nuance\Recognizer\config
  • On Linux— /usr/local/Nuance/Recognizer/config

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

As an environment variable.

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Must be set by user when installing languages to a location other than the default.

Recognizer languages are installed under $SWISRDSDK/config/ by default. You can use NR_LANGUAGE_PATH to specify languages at additional locations, and you can use one of these languages as the default.

When selecting the default language, Recognizer searches all directories specified in the NR_LANGUAGE_PATH parameter, plus the default $SWISRDSDK/config/ location and selects the language with the oldest timestamp. (This is generally the first language that was installed.)