
Specifies how long to wait for speech after a prompt ends.


Integer: 1–INT_MAX, or -1 (disabled).


7000 (milliseconds)

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

In a VoiceXML application, using a <property> element.

In the browser, using the No-Input-Timeout header in a RECOGNIZE or SET-PARAMS method.

If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file.


Frequently used to tune individual prompt and response events. For example, increase the value for prompts that cause users to pause and think before speaking.


Larger values can add time to the total duration of a session. Also, if users are uncertain how to respond to prompts, a timeout that is too short or too long can affect the success of application transactions.

This parameter controls how long the speech detector wait for the caller to speak after a prompt ends. This feature is also known as the “begin of speech” timeout (or more correctly, the before begin of speech timeout).

Applications this parameter in seconds via a VoiceXML property. The voice browser converts to milliseconds (to 7000 in this example):

<property name="timeout" value="7s"/> 

This would result in the following MRCP header:

No-Input-Timeout: 7000

Related parameters