
Defines the expected the audio formats supplied to the speech detector.


Strings of audio parameters separated by semi-colons.



How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. (To set more than one value, use the pipe | symbol as a separator.) If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Frequently set by system administrators during installation. The voice browser determines which formats are used.

The format is identical to swirec_audio_media_type except that encoding=ES_202_050 cannot be used.

This parameter lists the expected media types. Nuance Recognizer uses the list during initialization.

During initialization, Recognizer loads the appropriate acoustic models for the specified types. At runtime, Recognizer accepts those types, and no others.

Here is a sample definition using multiple values in the configuration file:

<param name="swiep_audio_media_type">
audio/basic;rate=8000;orig-encoding=g723 </value>
audio/basic;rate=8000;orig-encoding=g723;bitrate=5.3 </value>
audio/basic;rate=8000;orig-encoding=g723;bitrate=6.3 </value>
audio/basic;rate=8000;orig-encoding=g729 </value>

Related parameter