
Controls the rate of Recognizer’s self-learning.


Integer: 10–1000000.


(depends on language)

The typical default is 200.

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


This is an advanced feature for developers who are familiar with Recognizer and its underlying models.


Changing the default value can seriously impair accuracy and confidence. After changing the value, you must thoroughly test recognition accuracy before applying the change to a production system.

This parameter determines the rate of adaptation in Recognizer’s self-learning technology. It controls whether the utterances being used for adaptation have a stronger or weaker impact on Recognizer’s acoustic models. Think of this parameter as a weight for combining newly learned acoustic models into the current models.

Lesser values of this parameter slow the ability of the Recognizer to adapt while ensuring that the utterances have a general influence in the direction of better accuracy. Higher values speed adaptation at the risk of using the utterances too specifically and sacrificing general accuracy.

This parameter interacts closely with swirec_acoustic_adapt_min_num_utts. When making changes to their values, it is best to change one parameter or the other. Avoid changing both parameters at the same time.

For an overview of adaptation, see Controlling the self-learning recognizer.

Related parameters: