
Adds application or browser information to call logs to synchronize runtime activities with log analysis.


Any string. The string must have the correct format (see below).

The maximum length is 256 characters.



How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in the browser, using the Vendor-Specific-Parameters header in a RECOGNIZE or SET-PARAMS method.

In a parameter grammar.

In a grammar using a <meta> tag (see the text on recognition-time parameters in Parameters set in grammar files).


Occasionally used to synchronize call logs with the logic of applications. For this reason, the parameter is typically set multiple times during a session (to provide information about logical steps within an application).

Voice browsers can use this parameter to synchronize logs originating on different machines.

Example uses:

  • Applications and application frameworks can describe each change of state during dialogs with users. Since the call logs contain this information, tuning tools can analyze the real-time behavior of the application and synchronize the data with collected audio waveforms.
  • Voice browsers can synchronize call logs originating from multiple sources. For example, if a single session is handled by servers on more than one machine, the added information enables merging all the logs from all the machines.

By default, the format of the string is a list of token and value pairs such as TOKEN=value|TOKE2=val2|TOKE3=val3. Here are formatting rules:

  • Separate each token/value pair with the vertical bar (the pipe symbol, |).
  • Use uppercase letters for token names.
  • Use the equals sign (=) to separate tokens and values.

You can define any list of tokens appropriate to the application. You must supply the full list each time you set this parameter (because by setting this parameter you clear the previously set tokens).

Note: The tokens you provide are appended to EVERY record for this call in the call log.

Commonly used user-defined tokens:


Specifies an ID that persists the duration of a session.


Specifies an ID associated with an application or sub-application.


Specifies the ID of a tenant.


Specifies the name of a step in an application dialog.

Sample definition in a grammar file:

<meta name="swirec_app_state_tokens" content="100000"/>