
Sets special recognition modes in the Recognizer.


One of the following: normal, magic_word, selective_barge_in.



How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

In a VoiceXML application, using the bargeintype attribute of a <prompt> or <property> element (values speech/hotword).

In the browser, using the Recognition-Mode header in a RECOGNIZE message (values normal/hotword).

In a parameter grammar.

If using the Management Station, set on the Nuance recognition service.

When setting this parameter, you must also set swiep_mode. (The endpointer and the recognizer must be set to compatible modes.)


Seldom used because most applications do not require the feature. But when the feature is needed, this parameter is always required to set the mode.

This parameter specifies what action to take when a Kill-On-Barge-In header is set in a SPEAK request. Applications can set this parameter in VoiceXML as follows:

<prompt swirec_bargein="true"; swirec_barge_in_mode="hotword"/>

These both generate the following MRCP header:

Recognition-Mode: hotword

This parameter turns on the special endpointer modes for magic_word and selective_barge_in (for a description of the modes, see swiep_mode).

Related parameters