
Adds grammar keys to the XML result.


Names of grammar properties (keys) beginning with the "SWI" prefix.

To specify more than one key:

  • To set as a VSP in a browser, use a space delimiter between keys and enclose the entire string with double quotes.
  • To set in an Recognizer configuration file, put each key inside a <value> element.
  • To set in Management Station or a configuration file, use "|" as the delimiter (the pipe symbol).


SWI_meaning, SWI_literal, SWI_grammarName

(SWI_ssmConfidences and SWI_ssmMeanings are also added if you are using semantic grammar models)

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in the browser, using the Vendor-Specific-Parameters header in a RECOGNIZE or SET-PARAMS method.

In a parameter grammar.

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Occasionally used to get SWI_confidence scores for recognition slots.


Long lists of keys use more CPU and disk space.

For descriptions of keys, see Special SWI_ keys.

If you add the SWI_disallow, SWI_decoy and SWI_scoreDelta keys, they only appear in the result if they have non-NULL values. (Their values are NULL unless explicitly set and propagated to the root of the grammar.)

Browsers usually set this parameter in a RECOGNIZE request, and the parameter automatically reverts to the previous value after the recognition event. (Alternatively, browsers can use the SET-PARAMS method. See Configuring Recognizer with the browser.) Use a <space> delimiter between keys and enclose the entire string with double quotes (the quoted value must not end with a space):

Vendor-Specific-Parameters: swirec_extra_nbest_keys="key1 key2 [...]"