
Adds weight to match the dynamic ranges of language and acoustic models.


Float: 0.0 or greater.


How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in the browser, using the Vendor-Specific-Parameters header in a RECOGNIZE method.

In a parameter grammar.

In a grammar using a <meta> tag (see the text on recognition-time parameters in Parameters set in grammar files).

In the application's session xml in the <speechrecog> section of <sessionparameters>.

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


This is an advanced feature for developers who are familiar with Recognizer and its underlying models. It tunes the Recognizer’s search for matches:

Nuance might remove this parameter from the product or change its behavior in the future.


Correct usage can get excellent improvements. However, changing the default value can seriously impair accuracy and confidence. After changing the value, you must thoroughly test recognition accuracy before applying the change to a production system.

This parameter raises or lowers the importance of language models to keep them in the same dynamic range as acoustic models. Higher values emphasize hypotheses from language models and de-emphasize the acoustic evidence in the audio signal.

This parameter provides a direct way to influence the relative strength of the language model weights for a grammar. The value is applied to:

  • Weights defined in the grammar via a <one-of> item. For example:
    <item weight=".9">hippopotamus</item>
  • Weights defined in the grammar via a <repeat> probability. For example:
    <--The token "very" has 60% likelihood of occurring.-->
    <--This means 40% chance that it is absent in input-->
    <item repeat="0-1" repeat-prob="0.6">very</item>
  • Weights defined in an n-gram description (n-gram is described in Applying bigram language models).
  • The weight specified when activating the grammar.

The swirec_lmweight value is not applied to the weights in a list of constraining entries. For example, when a built-in grammar accepts an entries file that contains weights.

Browsers usually set this parameter in a RECOGNIZE request, and the parameter automatically reverts to the previous value after the recognition event. (Alternatively, browsers can use the SET-PARAMS method. See Configuring Recognizer with the browser.)

Vendor-Specific-Parameters: swirec_lmweight=1.5

Sample definition in a grammar file:

<meta name="swirec_lmweight" content="1.5"/>

Related parameter