
Number of pronunciations to generate automatically when a word is not found.


Integer: 0–255.

Reasonable range: 1–3


1 (pronunciations)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Typically, there is no need to change this parameter. One reason for increasing the default is to test whether accuracy improves when more pronunciations are generated (for example, when the vocabulary contains many uncommon words that are not contained in any dictionary).


Recognizer consults pronunciations when compiling a grammar. Thus, this parameter primarily affects compilation time; higher values add more computation time to generate the additional pronunciations. There can also be small affects on recognition time.

This parameter defines the number of pronunciations generated by the Recognizer when a word in a grammar is not found in any dictionary.

If you set this parameter on an application development machine, you can run the dicttest program (see Checking pronunciations with dicttest) to check the pronunciations being generated.