
Points to custom models for firstpass processing in Recognizer.


URI. Path to an acoustic model file.

DEFAULT: (default models are used for each language)

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

In a grammar using a <meta> tag. See the text on compilation-time parameters in Parameters set in grammar files.

In the application's session xml in the <speechrecog> section of <sessionparameters>.

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Useful when Nuance Professional Services provides custom models.

Use this parameter to point to a custom, first-pass acoustic model. For secondpass models, use swirec_secondpass_model_name.

Sample definition in a session.xml:

  <speechrecog name="NR10">
    <param name="swirec_model_name" xml:lang="en-US">

For multiple-language grammars, add the lang attribute to specify the models' language. For example:

<meta name="swirec_model_name" content="
         nuan:lang="fr-ca" />

Related parameter