
Base address in memory for Recognizers to use for shared memory.


Hexadecimal string of a memory address. For example, 2000408400AC0000 (64-bit system).

If 0 (or empty), the operating system automatically generates the address.


(empty, the default address is used)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).

(Must use the same value for all recognition server instances on the host.)


Set by system administrators for all recognition servers on a host.

Do not change the default value unless Nuance technical support recommends a change.

This parameter is useful when a recognition server process fails to attach to the default shared memory address. When this happens, Nuance can recommend a different value.


All recognition server processes sharing memory on a host must specify the same value for this parameter. Different values will crash Recognizer.

This parameter synchronizes all recognition server processes on the host to share the same memory region.

This parameter belongs to a group of parameters that control shared memory. It is only relevant when swirec_shmem_enabled is set. For a complete example, see swirec_shmem_enabled.