
Size of the memory region shared by recognition server processes.


String representing the size (in bytes) of the shared memory region.


0 (automatically determined)

The automatically determined value is typically 4000000 (4 GB).

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Set by system administrators for all recognition servers on a host.

Used when the first recognition server starts on the host. (Ignored by subsequent processes because the shared region is already created.) Set the same value for all recognition servers on the host so the same value is used regardless of the startup order.

The Recognizers use most of the shared memory region to share resources such as acoustic models. But a small amount of memory (about 70 MB) is overhead for managing the region.

This parameter belongs to a group of parameters that control shared memory. It is only relevant when swirec_shmem_enabled is set, and only for the first process that starts. For a complete example, see swirec_shmem_enabled.