The system dictionary

The system dictionary can contain anywhere from several thousand to 100,000 words in a given language. Common words used by your applications are already defined in this dictionary, and the pronunciations for these words are tuned based on extensive use in real-world applications. The system dictionary contains fine-tuned pronunciations for critical words such as “yes” and “no”.

There is one system dictionary for each supported language; Recognizer automatically uses the appropriate dictionary for the active language. The system dictionary is stored in the following directory:


Where %SWISRSDK% is the environment variable pointing to the directory where you installed the Nuance Recognizer software, and lang is the code for the language installed on your system. If you have installed more than one language pack, there will be a separate directory for each language.

In all languages, Recognizer uses a rule-based system to generate pronunciations automatically for words not found in the dictionaries. It also reports each instance of automatic generation in the diagnostic log file.

Generated pronunciations are usually accurate, but are worth checking because incorrect pronunciations can lower recognition accuracy significantly.