Wordlist (directory-assistance) grammars

Wordlist grammars are speech grammars that are optimized for fast compilation. Often, they are called directory-assistance or DA grammars because their primary use is for very large lists of items, needed for telephone directory assistance applications that recognize large numbers of personal names. Applications can use wordlist grammars as if they were XML grammars.

Some key features of wordlist grammars are:

  • Wordlist grammar files are UTF-8 format text files.
  • The file begins with a header that declares the wordlist grammar (required) and specifies any applicable configuration parameters (optional).
  • The remainder of the file lists the recognized vocabulary, one item per line.
  • You cannot include ECMAScript expressions in wordlist grammars, although they may be imported into grammars that use ECMAScript.
  • For best performance, precompile any pronunciation dictionaries used by your wordlist grammars. See Performance considerations.
  • By default, Recognizer aborts compilation if it cannot create a pronunciation for a word in the grammar. Because wordlist grammars sometimes contain nonsense words (generated from a database, for example), they can cause failed compilations. To avoid such failures, set the parameter swirec_enable_robust_compile in a <meta> element in the grammar.

Sample wordlist grammar

Below is a sample wordlist grammar:

::TAG_FORMAT swi-semantics/1.0
::META swirec_lexicon wordlist.xml
::META swirec_lexicon wordlist2.xml
Caroline Diego!fr-ca -0.693
Francois Rousseau!fr-ca
I would like to speak to


You can assign penalties to specific words in the list by adding a floating point number to the end of the line, after any comments. For example:

Caroline Diego!fr-ca -0.693

The assigned number affects the weight for the item as a natural log probability. Here, the weighting for the "Caroline Diego !fr-ca" item is e to the power of -0.693, or approximately half (0.5).

Typical penalties are in the range from 0 to -5, but may be greater. Small magnitude values reduce the chance that the word will be recognized by a small amount, while high magnitude values reduce the chance severely.

On rare occasions, you can use small positive values (which evaluate to a probability greater than 1) to increase the chance of a word being recognized. Caution: if the positive value is too large, this may overpower the acoustic model and skew recognition in favor of the item beyond the intended weight.

Recognition results

When you use a wordlist grammar, Recognizer reports the recognized item in the SWI_literal and SWI_meaning keys. The following example shows recognition of the word "Mark_Fanta" (the tag format is swi-semantics):

<?xml version='1.0'?>
 <interpretation grammar="MyWordlistGrammar" confidence="98">
  <input mode="speech">

Performance considerations

Because wordlist grammars do not require XML parsing, they compile more quickly than XML grammars of similar size. However, wordlist grammars do not recognize input as quickly as XML grammars.

  • The best use for wordlist grammars is for large lists of words that are only occasionally needed, because the savings in CPU compilation cycles is significant in relation to the added cost during recognition.
  • A large list that is used frequently would not be a good candidate for a wordlist grammar, because the recognition costs would add up over time.

Parameters that set grammar optimization levels have no effect on wordlist grammars. For example, swirec_optimization is ignored.

Although the wordlist grammar does not require XML parsing, any specified user dictionaries will be written with XML and can slow the grammar’s compilation. To avoid this problem, precompilation of pronunciation dictionaries with the make_dict utility is strongly recommended (see Compiling a user dictionary).