
You can create acc_test scripts to test grammars for basic accuracy and generate reports.

The acc_test utility tests grammar accuracy by comparing audio files that have known meanings with their recognition results, and analyzing the results in one or more statistical reports. The utility is located in: %SWISRSDK%\amd64\bin

This utility takes one or more prepared scripts as input. Each script contains instructions for recognition testing, encoded in a proprietary format. The script lists the grammars to load for testing, input audio files, and the correct meanings of each input audio file, the reports to be generated, and so on. As output, the utility generates the specified reports based on the recognition results.

Note: The acc_test utility consumes three licenses in order to run.

Supported audio

Best practice: use end-pointed wave files generated by Recognizer, as these have correct begin and end silence times. Wave files generated or processed by other methods are not recommended.




WAV or ulaw




16-bit linear data


Aurora data (original bitstream)


Aurora data (advanced bitstream for encoding=ES_202_050)


acc_test script1 [script2 ...] -local_log filename
   [-report_dir directory]


script1 [script2 ...]

One or more scripts written in the proprietary format. If more than one script is specified, each script runs on a separate channel.

-local_log filename

Outputs event logging to the named file.


Prevents deletion of existing grammar and inet cache directories.


Disables the logging of script commands to the event log. This means that certain events (STARTSCRIPT, ALTdtst and ALTdtnd, SWIdtst, ENDSCRIPT, and others) will not appear in the log.


Writes audio in real time.

-report_dir directory

Specifies a directory to which the reports will be written. This directory must already exist: the command will not create it.


> acc_test test.script -no_rectest_log -local_log mylog.log

This command runs the test.script testing script, and logs the results in the mylog.log file. Since -no_rectest_log was used, this log does not include any events that describe the script commands.