
The dictcpl utility compiles TTS dictionaries for use in Vocalizer text-to-speech synthesis. It takes a text file as input, and produces a compiled binary dictionary as output.

The utility is located in: VOCALIZER_SDK\common\speech\components

The input must be a text file encoded in UTF-8, and must conform to the format described in Dictionary format for Vocalizer.


dictcpl [-o OutputDict.bdc] InputDict.txt 


-o OutputDict

Specifies the name and location for the output binary dictionary file. If the output file is not specified, the binary dictionary is written to a file with the same name as the input text dictionary, but ending in a .bdc extension.


Specifies the name and location of the input text file.


> dictcpl -o userdct_enu.bdc enu.txt

This command takes the enu.txt text file, and converts it into the userdct.bdc binary file.