
The dicttest utility lets you check pronunciations of individual words or lists of words inside a dictionary file.

The utility is located in: %SWISRSDK%\amd64\bin


dicttest -language code version
   [-system_dict filename]
   [-user_dict filename]
   [-max_pron num]


-language code version

The code specifies the ID of the language being tested. For example, to test Canadian French enter "-language fr-CA".

The optional version specifies the version of the language pack. Use this when there is more than one version installed on the system. (The default is the newest version.) For example, "-language fr-CA 9.0.0"

-system_dict filename

Specifies a system dictionary to search for pronunciations. System dictionaries are binary files supplied with Recognizer: there is one system dictionary per language stored in the installation baseline. This option is useful when using a system dictionary that is not stored in the default baseline location. If no -language is specified, this option is required.

-user_dict filename

Specifies a user dictionary to search for pronunciations. If a word is found in the user dictionary, the program uses those pronunciations and does not search the system dictionary. The precedence of the file can be changed by appending the SWI.type variable, for example "user.dict?SWI.type=backup".

-max_pron num

Specifies the maximum number of pronunciations to be shown for any given word. By default, dicttest shows all pronunciations in the available dictionaries unless a maximum is specified.


Specifies the encoding of the dictionary file. Values are -utf8 (default) or -iso8859.


Displays a help message summarizing the dicttest utility and how to use it.


dicttest -user_dict simple.dict -language en-US