
The make_dict utility compiles user dictionaries for use in recognition. It takes an XML dictionary file as input, and produces a compiled binary dictionary as output. This precompiled dictionary loads more quickly than an uncompiled dictionary.

The utility is located in: %SWISRSDK%\amd64\bin


make_dict InputDict OutputDict -language LangCode



Specifies the name and location of the input XML dictionary file.


Specifies the name and location for the output binary dictionary file.

-language LangCode

Specifies the language that applies to the dictionary. The language determines how the phonemic alphabet is interpreted.


Displays a help message summarizing the make_dict utility and how to use it.


> make_dict proprietary.xml proprietary.dict -language en-US

This command takes the proprietary.xml file, and converts it into a binary file called proprietary.dict using US English pronunciation.