
The test_parser utility performs interpretation tests on grammars by comparing the correct key/value pairs that get passed to Recognizer with those actually generated. As input, the utility requires a text file in which each line lists the grammar to be tested, the text to be recognized, the name of the key to be compared, and the expected value returneds for that key.

As output, the utility produces messages detailing the number of errors encountered, where they occurred, what the sentence was, and general information about the file and the time required to process it.

The utility is located in: %SWISRSDK%\amd64\bin


test_parser testfile



The name and location of the text file containing the input.


Prints details of the execution of any scripts in the grammars. May be shortened to -d_o.


Prints more details of program operation. May be shorted to -v.


> test_parser mytests.test -verbose