
Rules for using proxy servers to fetch documents from application servers using HTTPS.


Comma-separate list of proxy rules.

DEFAULT: (none)

How to set

If using the Management Station, set on the Speech Server service. If not using Management Station, set in an NSS configuration file (user-NSSxx.txt).

In addition, you must configure the HTTP CONNECT method. See below.


Use proxy servers to fetch and cache grammars and audio recordings instead of performing long or frequent network hops in geographically distributed systems. You can send different URLs to different proxies, and you can exclude URLs from using any proxy at all.

Rule format

To define rules, use this format:

hostname01/path | proxy:port, hostname02/ | proxy:port, hostname03/path03 | proxy:port

The format shows 3 rules, explained as follows:

Rule Meaning
hostname01/path | proxy:port

If the URL matches hostname01/path, the fetch uses the specified proxy and port.

hostname02/ | proxy:port

If the URL matches hostname02/path, the fetch uses the specified proxy and port.

hostname03/path03 | proxy:port

If the URL matches hostname03/path, the fetch uses the specified proxy and port.

Additional syntax:

  • To require all URLs to use a proxy, omit the hostname/path in the rule.

  • To fetch a resource without using a proxy, omit the proxy:port in the rule.


Consider this example list of rules:| proxy1:port1, | proxy2:port2

How the rules translate:

These example URLs... ...are handled by these rules

No proxy used because the URL did not match any rule.

Uses the proxy1:port1 server because the URL matches the rule.

Uses the proxy2:port2 server because the URL matches the rule.

Exclusion rules

To create an exclusion list (and use a proxy for everything else):

  • List the exclusions first (the rules without a proxy).
  • List the rules from most specific to most general.
  • Add | proxy:port at the end (to ensure that all URLs that do not match exclusion pattern will fetch via a proxy).

Configuring HTTP CONNECT

When you use proxy servers, Speech Suite can invoke the HTTP CONNECT method to request secure communications tunnels. To trigger this mechanism, do the following:

  1. Ensure that HTTP CONNECT is enabled on the proxy server and any application servers where fetches are performed. (Some proxy and web servers disable CONNECT by default.)
  2. Create an environment variable named PROXY_HTTP_CONNECT with a value of 1 (or true) on every Speech Suite host that uses a proxy server. On Windows, create the variable with the setenv command. On Linux, add the line export PROXY_HTTP_CONNECT=1 to these scripts:
    Linux ServiceScript file to modify


    Speech Server$NSSSVRSDK/


Note: Applications can use HTTP or HTTPS in their fetch URLs.