
Specifies a particular aspect of a component to include in the Speech Server diagnostic log (nss.log)


Boolean. 1 means to include diagnostic information for the module specified by the index xxxx.

DEFAULT: 0 (tag not logged)

How to set

If using the Management Station, set on the Speech Server service. If not using Management Station, set in an NSS configuration file (user-NSSxx.txt).


Seldom used. Useful for diagnosing system problems at the request to Nuance technical support.

Speech Server has parameters of the form server.log.diagTag.xxxx, where the number xxxx specifies a particular aspect of a component to include in the diagnostic log. If you report a problem to Nuance, technical support might ask you to recreate the problem after enabling additional diagnostics. Generally the most useful diagnostic tag for doing first level diagnoses of a problem is server.log.diagTag.2001.