
Specifies the maximum number of concurrently active SIP server sessions.


Integer: 1–10,000.


How to set

If using the Management Station, set on the Speech Server service. If not using Management Station, set in an NSS configuration file (user-NSSxx.txt).

Format in the configuration file: <property> VXIInteger <value


Frequently changed during deployment.

A SIP session is active from the receipt of an INVITE or OPTIONS message to the return from a BYE message.

Typical use—System administrators set this parameter during Speech Server installation, or later when provisioning applications.

This parameter allows for more flexible port usage. See Flexible port usage.

  • Use this parameter to control the load placed on the system, based on the capacity of the machine and the complexity of the grammars running on the server (for recognition servers running on the same Speech Server host). Lower values reduce runtime loads by processing fewer sessions. Higher values allow more load (assuming sessions are waiting to begin, and licenses are available).
  • Follow the sizing guidelines for the maximum number of sessions the Speech Server can serve. Set this value to the number of Nuance endpointer licenses available to the system or to the maximum number of recommended sessions per Speech Server, whichever is smaller.

    A simple rule of thumb is set values so the sum on all Speech Servers equals the number of Nuance endpointer licenses allowed by your license file. So for example if you have 400 endpointer licenses and two Speech Servers, you can set this parameter on each Speech Server to 200.

Related parameters