
Specifies the IP address of a NIC card to be used for SIP traffic only.


IP address.

This parameter is used with an index n to specify different NIC card addresses. The same Speech Server may support different IP addresses for server.mrcp2.sip.transport.interface.0, server.mrcp2.sip.transport.interface.1, and so on to represent different NIC cards on the same host.


No default. If the parameter is disabled, SIP traffic uses by default.

How to set

If using the Management Station, set on the Speech Server service. If not using Management Station, set in an NSS configuration file (user-NSSxx.txt).


Seldom used.

Used in conjunction with server.transport.bindrtptoip to split traffic by sending RTP traffic to a specific NIC card and SIP traffic to another (or many others).

This parameter can be used to specify IP addresses for several different NIC cards on the same host, differentiating between them with an index at the end of the parameter (starting at 0 for the first). For example, you can set one value to the wired IP for the host, and another to the wireless IP:

server.mrcp2.sip.transport.interface.0 VXIString host_wired_IP
server.mrcp2.sip.transport.interface.1 VXIString host_wireless_IP

For a discussion of how to use this parameter, see Splitting traffic.

Related parameter