An additional path to Vocalizer voices that are not installed in the default location.


Path to the root location of the installed voices. For example:


To specify more than one root location, separate multiple directories with colons on Linux and semi-colons on Windows.


On Windows—C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\Vocalizer for Enterprise

On Linux—This parameter is not set at installation.

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in an environment variable.

In Management Station, set on the Vocalizer service. If not using Management Station, set in the Vocalizer configuration file (User-nvsxx.xml).


Set this parameter to access voices that are not installed in the default location on the Speech Suite host.

Vocalizer looks for voices under $VOCALIZER_SDK/languages by default. The role of VOCALIZER_VOICE_PATH is to specify additional locations with voices to be available for use by the Vocalizer. The VOCALIZER_VOICE_PATH does not replace the languages in the default location, but instead adds to them so voices in both locations are available. (Vocalizersearches the immediate children subfolders beneath these root paths.You can install voices to individual subfolders beneath these location.)

For example, on Linux, you can install a voice to a different location using the --prefix option with the rpm command then set the environment variable to point to the new location. For example:

> rpm -Uvh --prefix=path voice.rpm
> export VNETWORKV5_VOICE_PATH=path/Nuance/Vocalizer_for_Enterprise

The --prefix option installs the voice to Nuance/Vocalizer for Enterprise in the specified path. You can install voices to any local file path. They don’t need to be installed to the same location as the Vocalizer software and each voice can have a different location.