
Loads user dictionaries for tuning speech output.


File path or URI to the dictionary. For multiple user dictionaries, specify multiple elements where each value specifies the URI for a single user dictionary.

DEFAULT: (none)

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in a VoiceXML application, using a <lexicon> element.

Set in the voice browser, using the Load-Lexicon header in a DEFINE-LEXICON method (MRCPv2 only).

Set in the session xml file for the application. Configure the <speechsynth> element located under <sessionparameters>, <speechserver>.

Set on the Speech Server service in Management Station. Speech Server passes the value to Vocalizer and overrides any Vocalizer setting.

In Management Station, set on the Vocalizer service. (To set more than one value, use the pipe | symbol as a separator.) If not using Management Station, set in the Vocalizer configuration file (User-nvsxx.xml).


Frequently used.

User dictionaries are language-specific as indicated in the user dictionary file header. At runtime, Vocalizer only does lookups within user dictionaries that match the current synthesis language.

To load multiple user dictionaries via a session.xml, use one <value> child element for each dictionary, where the contents is the URI of the dictionary to be loaded. For example:

     <speechsynth name=" ">
        <param name="dictionaries">

To load multiple user dictionaries on the Vocalizer service in Management Station, separate them with a pipe character (|). For example:
