
Specifies whether to disable automatic end-of-sentence detection, which inserts a pause between detected sentences.

When automatic end-of-sentence detection is disabled (true), sentence boundaries are not inserted unless they are explicitly noted in markup using the <ESC>\eos=1\ control sequence. See Controlling end-of-sentence detection.

The duration of the pause is set via the wait_factor parameter. The default is 400 milliseconds.


Boolean: false (detect end-of-sentence automatically and insert a pause) or true (do not detect end-of-sentence)


false (detect end-of-sentence automatically and insert a pause)

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

In Management Station, set on the Vocalizer service. If not using Management Station, set in the Vocalizer configuration file (User-nvsxx.xml).


Rarely changed.