
Rules for mapping file name extensions to MIME content types.


A sequence of <extension> elements where the name attribute is the extension and the value is the MIME content type.


(multi-value default)

How to set

In Management Station, set on the Vocalizer service. (To set more than one value, use the pipe | symbol as a separator.) If not using Management Station, set in the Vocalizer configuration file (User-nvsxx.xml).


Seldom used.

Each extension requires that you specify the file suffix and the extension name. For details about supported types, see Configuring MIME content types.

In Speech Server, you can enter an inet_extension_rules value in Management Station, specify the file extension in curly brackets (starting with a period), followed by the extension name. For example:


To enter multiple extensions, separate each extension entry with a pipe character (|):
