
Enables automatic language identification and sets its scope.


  • user-defined (default): automatically identify the language when the application explicitly labels a block of text as unknown.
  • message: automatically identify the language on each input message (typically a sentence).
  • none: disable the feature

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in a VoiceXML application, using the switts.language_identifier_scope property in a <property> element.

Set in the voice browser, with as switts.language_identifier_scope using the Vendor-Specific-Parameters header in a SPEAK method.

Set in the session xml file for the application. Configure the <speechsynth> element located under <sessionparameters>, <speechserver>.


Seldom used (because the default is usually satisfactory).

For a user-defined scope, you can label a block of input text as having an unknown language:

Control sequence: <ESC>\lang=unknown\

SSML:  xml:lang="unknown"

For each text region where the language is unknown, Vocalizer detects the language on a sentence-by-sentence basis:

  1. Vocalizer identifies the language Vocalizer
  2. If the current voice does not support the language, and Vocalizer detects another voices that does, it selects the new voice.
  3. Vocalizer restores the original voice at the end of the synthesis operation or when it encounters an <ESC> \lang=normal\ control sequence.

Related properties:

