
Diagnostic log level for Vocalizer messages.


0: Only show error and warning messages to the log files.

1: Show internal warnings (not application warnings); rarely useful.

2: Show internal performance information. The timing information in Vocalizer call logs is usually much more informative and easier to parse.

3: Show basic debug information—the most useful log level for investigating Vocalizer issues.

4: Show trace information for debugging.

5: Show detailed trace information for debugging.

6: Show internal data for debugging.

7: Show more detailed internal data for debugging.


0 (normal errors and warnings)

How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

In Management Station, set on the Vocalizer service. If not using Management Station, set in the Vocalizer configuration file (User-nvsxx.xml).


Seldom used. Higher levels enable diagnostic messages, which can greatly affect performance. Use higher log levels to collect logs for Nuance Technical Support. After collecting the logs, restore the default.