
The nvscmdline utility processes plain text with optional native Vocalizer markup, and produces an 8kHz µ-law audio file. You can also configure it to process SSML input and produce an audio file that is 8 kHz A-law, 8 kHz linear 16-bit PCM, or 22 kHz linear 16-bit PCM. This utility processes one text file or input text string and generates an audio file.

The utility is typically found in:

  • Linux:
    • /usr/local/Nuance/Common/x86/bin/ (32 bit)
    • /usr/local/Nuance/Common/amd64/bin/ (64 bit)
  • Windows:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nuance\Common\x86\bin\ (32 bit)
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nuance\Common\amd64\bin\ (64 bit)

You can start the 32 bit version (in Linux) or 64 bit version (in Windows) from any directory. However, you can start a specific version (that is, the 64 bit version in Linux or 32 bit version in Windows) from the directory where it is installed. The syntax is:

nvscmdline options


Use double quotes around option values to avoid errors. For example, -a "audio/L16;rate=8000" or -c "text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1".

These options are required:


The IP address and port of the Vocalizer host (IP:port).


Language, IETF language code or a Vocalizer language name.


Voice name.


Output filename. Can contain directories, both absolute and relative. Bydefault, the file is saved in the same directory as  nvscmdline.exe.

One (and only one) of these options is required:


String to speak.


Text file to speak.

These options are optional:


Voice model:

  • full_encryptf8
  • full_vssq5f22
  • xpremium
  • xpremium-nb
  • xpremium-high
  • xpremium-high-nb


MIME content type describing the output audio format. Default is "audio/basic" for 8 KHz u-law. See Configuring MIME content types for other values.


MIME content type describing the input text format. Default is "text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1".

Use "auto" when reading text from a UTF-8 text file, to force plain/text vs SSML auto-detection. See Configuring MIME content types for other values.


Saves the output file in WAV format.


Volume [0–100].


Rate [1–100].


Print word marks.


Print phoneme marks.


Print event log events.


Binary add-on system dictionary. May be specified multiple times. These dictionaries are only available with Vocalizer for Enterprise.


Ruleset. May be specified multiple times.


User dictionary. May be specified multiple times.


ActivePrompt database. May be specified multiple times.


Secure context, disable logging confidential data.


Session XML configuration file.


Add configuration parameter for TtsProcessWithParams() method, in the form param=value. May be specified multiple times.


Repeat TtsProcess a number of times.


Show product version information and exit.


Local client port for backward B channel.

Both Speech Server and nvscmdline use port 9300 by default to receive information from the Vocalizer host. If you use nvscmdline on a host that also has a Speech Server, and if this Speech Server uses the default server.nvs-client.Port setting, you must use the -p option to specify a different port for nvscmdline to use.


Full client log path (for example, /tmp/nvsclient.log).

Example commands

This command sends a request to the Vocalizer host on port 9200 of the current host to convert the phrase “Hello there” to speech using the voice “Samantha”, and to save a recording of the spoken output to a test.au file:

nvscmdline -N -l en-US –n Samantha –o test.au -s "Hello there"

This command uses the same Vocalizer host to speak the phrase “This is a test” with the US English voice Samantha, while logging to the /tmp/nvs-client.log file and saving a recording of the spoken output to a test.au audio file:

nvscmdline -N -l en-US -n Samantha -o test.au -s "This is a test" -Z /tmp/nvs-client.log

This command uses the local Vocalizer host to read and convert text from the input.txt file in the US-English voice Tom, logging to the /tmp/nvs-client.log file, and saving a recording of the spoken output to test.L16 as a 22 KHz L16 file:

nvscmdline -N -Z /tmp/nvs-client.log -l en-US -n Tom -o test.L16 -f input.txt -a "audio/L16;rate=22050"

This command shows the engine version and the list of installed voices:

nvscmdline -N –V 

This command specifies a voice, a string to be spoken, an output audio file (containing the TTS string) in WAV format, and an activeprompt database where the audio file is retrieved:

nvncmdline -n Ava-Mls -s "Your credit is good." -o test1.wav -w -x "application/x-vocalizer-activeprompt-db;mode=automatic apdb_tp_ava-mls_full_IRS.dat"

Troubleshooting tips

To display a help screen, run the program without arguments.

The program returns errors if there are problems generating the audio file. For example, the error TTS_E_LIC_NO_LICENSE means Vocalizer could not acquire a license. Check your license configuration.