SWIdbrx—database query completion

End of a database query. In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




Query name; application-specific, such as "train_schedule".


(optional) Result, one of: SUCC (success), FAIL (fail), or UNKN (unknown)


(optional) Provides application-specific information about the query; any string. For example, you might use this field to log system error messages associated with query failures, or to identify cases where a response was returned, but could not be handled by the application.


(optional) Application-specific reason.


(recommended) End time in format DDMMYYYYHHMMSSsss.


(optional) Result value(s) list, in key/value pairs, where the value can be a complex object enclosed in braces. For example:


The difference in the timestamp for this event and the SWIdbtx—database query begin event is the database response time. This event is logged at the instant that the database query returns.

Note: Since the timestamp refers to the instant that the recognizer logs the event, this measure won't be accurate in a configuration where there is a separate application server that queries the database. In that case, the server latency is also included in the calculation.


EVNT=SWIdbrx|NAME=OR1350_LookUpValue_DB|RSLT=SUCC |RESN=MatchedExpectedValue|INFO=result=0,SuccessfulLookup|OUTPUT==[result=0,resultText=SuccessfulLookup,complexObject={topLevelA={secondLevelA1=nestedValueA1,secondLevelA2=nestedValueA2},topLevelB={secondLevelB1=nestedValueB1,secondLevelB2=nestedValueB2}}]